Tree Games ®

Welcome to the Tree Games website!

The 2D Maze!

"The 2D Maze!" is the first game we made! The game is a DEMO, so it's a WIP

Behind The Making of "The 2D Maze!"

The game was made by unity. So when this game was made only one person was working at Tree Games, the name of the worker was Edan Enzminger. So first he went to this website call Maze Generator. Then he made a 5 by 5 maze and it generate the first level of the game. Then he download the image and use it as a reference. When he was done he made the player and made the scripts. Then he made the restart panel and the end panel. Then he went back to the Maze Generator website then made the 7 by 7 maze Then he download the image and use it as a reference again. Edan's channel -----> Edan Enzminger

The 2D Maze logo "The 2D Maze!" Icon

If you want to download the game here it is ---> The 2D Maze!

Upcoming Games

Monster Wand

Monster Wand is a upcoming horror game that has chapters. We are working on Chapter 1.

Members For Tree Games

Edan Enzminger

uwu occult

Zxilks YT